Friday, December 27, 2019

Effectiveness of Organisational Theories in Organisational Structures Free Essay Example, 3000 words

There are two elementary requirements for organisational structure. One is the division of labour, which is concerned with splitting labour or work tasks into distinct tasks. It involves subdivision of big work tasks into simple jobs, which are assigned to various people. Division of labour is essential as it fosters specialisation in the organisation with individuals participating in the tasks in which they feel best positioned to accomplish. Thus, a division of labour increases the work efficiency in organisations and it is necessary as firms grow with work becoming more complex (Jacobides 2007, p. The other requirement is the coordination of labour to enable the workers to carry out their roles in concert to realise the goals, missions, visions, and objectives of their organisations. Coordination occurs via informal communication, standardisation, as well as a formal hierarchy. Informal communication involves sharing of information among the organisational members (especially the important teams) using high media-richness. Formal hierarchy involves direct supervision of the juniors by their managers and it is common in larger organisations. This mode of coordination has such problems as being slow, costly, as well as less popular among the young staff. We will write a custom essay sample on Effectiveness of Organisational Theories in Organisational Structures or any topic specifically for you Only $17.96 $11.86/pageorder now Standardisation coordinates organisational members via giving of formal instructions. This composes of establishing clear outputs or goals, which are enforced through training and acquisition of necessary skills (Walonick 1993, Para 3-4). For effectiveness in operations, every organisation requires an organisational structure. The organisational structure is the mode of structure, which determines the reporting or the hierarchical structure in an organisation. Sometimes, organisational structure is synonymously used with an organisational chart. There exists a variety of organisational structures, which firms follow depending on some various things such as geographical regions, hierarchy, or product among others. To put it in simple terms, organisational structure is the plan, which shows the work organisation as well as the arrangement of work in some systematic forms.

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